Why this journey?

I've been retired now for over a year. Husband has been sick but is now doing quite well with new pacemaker. I continue to knit and knit and crochet. Recently I became friends again with my sewing machine so you will see some of those projects, too. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Swatch 12 and Do-Over #2

Well, this is not going exactly as I'd hoped.  Mistakes abound.  Humbling, if nothing else.

But first, Swatch 12.  Another lace pattern, very like Swatch 11.  Hoping that one of the pix below will show you the difference.  Here's Swatch 12.
Swatch 12 lace pattern
Looks a lot like Swatch 11
And here are the swatches side-by-side.  Maybe you can see the ridge along the bottom of the diamond in the swatch on the right.  That's #12.  Different techniques for getting rid of stitches; I won't bore you with the details

Swatch 11 on the left.
Swatch 12 on the right -- can you see the ridge running up
along each side of the diamond, from bottom to middle?

And wouldn't you know -- now that I've decided to really read the instructions I discover YAM (Yet Another Mistake.)  So Do-Over #2 awaits.  Again, I completed the required stitch on EVERY right side row instead of EVERY OTHER right side row.  Some people's kids, huh!  

Anyway, this is the swatch that's boring to look at and was boring to make and now I have to submit myself to Boring again.  Proof in hand that we are each our own worst enemy.  Learning all these life lessons . . . 

Swatch 10 -- mistake
Hope your Thanksgiving (for the US readers) is warm, toasty, and filled with laughter and joy with family and friends.  Enjoy the pie of your choice!

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