It arrived on Saturday, accompanied by a 4 page letter advising me of the good news and the do-over news.
Good marks on blocking, even knitting, professional approach to the notebook assembly and presentation.
Out of 16 swatches, 14 were accepted. So I found the hot pink yarn and finished re-knitting Swatch 8 and Swatch 15.
On the left we have the Cable Swatch, #15. Apparently I did almost nothing correct for this one, first time around. Since this step also includes writing the pattern, I will have a do-over on that, also. Found a great Celtic braided cable in a book I found at the library, by Lily Chin, Power Cables. I'm counting on the transfer of positive vibes.
On the right is Swatch 8, decreases, though from this perspective it looks as if the swatch started skinny and grew. Apparently, I didn't have enough stitches to begin. Also didn't remember to include directions for one of the stitches.
Are you getting a theme here? It's all about following the directions -- the right number of stitches or rows, the right way to write a pattern, the right way to explain how you did something.
And that hat! It's a do-over too. But I had my doubts when I turned it in. The dark pink was too dark. The color changes were not neat. I didn't follow the directions (that theme, again) exactly. But they liked the top knot and said the knitting was wonderfully even.
The dark pink is too dark. The Committee looks at every stitch and dark yarns make the examination difficult. |
The corollary good news is that I had to buy more yarn. I know, poor me. But what's a gal to do?!
Yellow House Yarns has a wonderful line that is dyed in the US, Shepherd's Wool. I bot two light and bright colors. I'm expecting the hat will be quite fun to knit. And the do-over 'required' me to add to my stash. Really.
Bright colors and good contrast. |
The rest of the committee's 4 pages is a list of re-submits, mostly in the answers to the questions that are included. The process requires research, lots of it, and it's a basic requirement that the knitter know how to write about what they've discovered, including footnotes and bibliography.
I'll be back at the computer, in between hat knitting. I hope to get the new stuff in the mail next week.
Best news? This is a do-over process and I have a friendly, knowledgable contact from the TKGA Committee as my guide.
Well, only two swatch do-overs, the hat and some writing revisions is actually a great first submission. I'm sure you'll fix everything up right as rain and nail it with the next submission. :-)