Knitting not so much.
The #17? In any day, we each encounter event after event. Some are part of the every day nature of life -- adding laundry detergent to the list so you can do the next load. Others have more impact -- a trip to the ER at 4:30 am. Most days we manage the chaos with a minimum of anxiety -- the first 16 items in the daily encounter are a 'piece of cake' so to speak. It's #17 that can throw us into a tailspin.
Pick your own number and maybe that number changes daily. Believe me I don't keep a list but I do know -- and so does poor dear husband -- when #17 arrives. Friday it was the reminder beep from a smoke alarm that the battery needed changing. #17 -- the smoke alarm is at the apex of a cathedral ceiling and I have no ladder and sure as hell do not wanna listen to that annoying beep all day.
Firefolks to the rescue. We're lucky to have a program that funds their visit and work to check all smoke alarm batteries. No more beeping. Safety assured.
Moving on to the next set of life encounters . . .
Here's the pix of what I've managed to work on, knitting-wise.
Green lace shawl from Victorian Lace Today. Center 26,880 stitches are complete. One side of knitted on border ready to turn the corner. The celery green is really prettier than the pic shows. |
Second time thru the Feldge Shawl by Megan Goodacre of Tricksy Knitter. This one is for moi. |
I hope to have finished several of the above items before I choose what to put into my knitting bag for a long, long day at the Cardiac Cath Lab.
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